Celtic Connections – Connections

It’s February and Celtic Connections is over for another year. By all accounts it was a success and it certainly gets great press locally. I only managed one gig (shame indeed) but as with almost everything these days the good old interweb allows armchair assholes like me to dip into the goings on for as long as the links last. So here is some video of one of the bands I did see, the Wiyos and a gig I did want to see, Robby Hecht.

Robby Hecht and Jordan Hamlin

The Wiyos

Finally, one I caught on the telly, Kenny (King Creosote) Anderson singing Cod Liver Oil and the Orange Juice.
Kenny Anderson

Celtic Connections. Pokey Lafarge and the South City Three/The Wiyos.

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

An old time Americana night at Celtic Connections was too good an opportunity to miss. Both these bands play ragtime, swing and Hillbilly music although with contrasting emphasis on their roots.
LaFarge and his band are from the South, Mississippi territory and embody much of the grace and emotions churned up there. A true Southern gent with a huckster’s attitude Pokey engaged with the audience throughout while all four played brilliantly. As an ensemble they add so much to what was already a great act solo.
The Wiyos in contrast are a more cosmopolitan bunch. With an almost vaudevillian approach and different members fronting songs they are smoother but they draw their inspiration from the same well as Pokey and the South City Three. Again there was much musicianship on display and some genuinely funny moments to boot.
At the end all eight musicians gathered for a rendition of Diddy Wah Diddy that showcased all their talents and had all of us begging for more.
There’s a chance to see both bands (separately unfortunately) tonight and tomorrow with Pokey playing the City Halls (again as part of Celtic Connections) and The Wiyos in Kilbarchan on Friday at what should be a tremendously intimate gig.

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io